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Commits on Source (2)
......@@ -146,4 +146,24 @@ This is out-of-scope. The following is only provided as a suggestion and is in
no way a complete reference.
See [/extras/nginx](../extras/nginx) folder for example of nginx configuration
to be used with rdiffweb.
\ No newline at end of file
to be used with rdiffweb.
## Other settings
| Parameter | Description | Required | Example |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| ServerHost | Define the IP address to listen to. Use to listen on all interfaces. | No | |
| ServerPort | Define the host to listen to. Default to 8080 | No | 80 |
| LogLevel | Define the log level. ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG | No | DEBUG |
| Environment | Define the type of environment: development, production. This is used to limit the information shown to the user when an error occur. | No | production |
| HeaderName | Define the application name displayed in the title bar and header menu. | No | My Backup |
| DefaultTheme | Define the default theme. Either: default or orange | No | orange |
| WelcomeMsg | Replace the headling displayed in the login page | No | - |
| LogFile | Define the location of the log file | No | /var/log/rdiffweb.log |
| LogAccessFile | Define the location of the access log file | No | /var/log/rdiffweb-access.log |
| RemoveOlderTime | Time when to execute the remove older task | No | 22:00 |
| SQLiteDBFile | Location of the SQLite database | No | /etc/rdiffweb/rdw.db |
| AddMissingUser | True to create users from LDAP when the credential are valid. | No | True |
| AdminUser | Define the name of the default admin user to be created | No | admin |
| FavIcon | Define the FavIcon to be displayed in the browser title | No | /etc/rdiffweb/my-fav.ico |
| TempDir | Define an alternate temp directory to be used when restoring files. | No | /retore/ |